Coaching for Executive Development

The concept that underlies Executive Development is continuous improvement. It cannot be reduced to a single training methodology or program. It is fluid and individualized. It is a philosophy, which allows us to observe and support others who have potential and interest in further learning. It is supportive of those who may wish to remain in a position and become better at their job or those who wish to advance, therefore it rewards both lateral growth and upward mobility.
It is a diagnostic, prescriptive approach. At its heart is the mentoring of others based on each individual’s developmental plan for their work life. The intended outcome through the process of action learning is to provide practical career paths that move up an individualized ladder and across the company.

The Specific Intended Outcomes Are:

• To position people on the learning curve that then leads to their development based on assessment of current present skills, learning’s and their job development needs.

• To plan for development that allows for criteria that can be measured through 3 stages: learning, developing and excelling. The developmental stages are fluid in that one can continue the cycle. For example: at the excelling stage one could move on and re-enter a learning developing stage and so on.

• To provide a motivational tool that gives an employee a vision as to where his/her career path is leading.

• To bring key processes together so that both technical and transferable competencies are growth areas. Both types can be measured and monitored.

• Technical competencies are part of the work processes, which are concrete and measurable, which result in a product or service being delivered. Transfer competences require interpersonal skills, which transfer across the technical processes. Their results are measured more indirectly. Examples would be teaching a task or providing feedback.

• To train mentoring and coaching skills that creates a positive learning environment.

• To move employees through the stages of the Executive Development Process so that increasing knowledge and skill in both technical and transferable areas is achieved.


• Define roles and responsibilities through a job analysis.

• Develop needed technical and transferable competencies that are then used as a resource that fit on the learning, developing and excelling ladder.

• Choose mentors and provide training in coaching and mentoring.

• Provide a system for choosing your Executive Development. The choices are based on a combination of motivation on the participant’s, decisions by Operations Manager, Site Manager, Team Leaders and Coordinators who are usually on an Executive Development Process themselves.

• Write Executive Development plans in consultation with the Executive Development and mentors. Include focus skill areas and activities related and a plan for mentoring and monitoring. Use the competencies developed in #2 as a resource.

• Use the plan in weekly meetings to assess progress.

• Review the Plan every 3 to 6 months and make changes in skills and activities as needed.

• When planning for a job progression, (a temporary higher job move), provide for on the job training and consultation before allowing the employee to actually do the job progression.

• After the progression experience, conduct a 360 debrief with those involved and readjust the plan.

• Measure and monitor ongoing performance, continue to provide challenges.

• Develop trust, reinforce all participants, celebrate success and support the program with training.

Coaching Intentional Connections: Improving the Bottom Line

The Applied Growth Transitions Coaching Training Program is designed to provide participants an introduction to coaching skills based on the principles of Team Sport Psychology. Participants learn the importance of being part of a Team. Participants gain important insights into the mental predisposition of a coach. Participants also learn to see every aspect of the work from the view point of the Team player. Through a series of structured exercises participants employ numerous techniques to make their team a success.

These techniques have been designed to illustrate how every member of the Team is a crucial component. Team training and development is a vital connection to the process; it has to be tied in. The following series of exercises allow participants to play a part in both the Team Player Role and the Coaching Role.

Each element has been designed using managerial coaching elements to improve the function of the Team. Team based principles are fundamental for any successful Team.

• Team Unification: How to Identify Our Team.
• How to Select Players for the Team.
• How to Design an Effective Training Plan for The Team: “defense, offense, and goalie”?
• Game Plans: How will the Goals be Achieved?
• Changes during the Game: Who Decides and How?
• Action Plan for “Loss of Players/Discipline Issues”.
• Measuring Team Results.
• Adapt Plan for Changes.
• Share Success!